In [1]:
import os
import collections

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib as mpl    
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt    
import matplotlib.gridspec
mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (7.0, 3.5)

import numpy as np
import as pyfits

import grizli

### Dev
# import grizlidev as grizli
# import grizlidev
# reload(grizlidev.utils_c); reload(grizlidev.model); 
# reload(grizlidev.grismconf); reload(grizlidev.utils); reload(grizlidev); reload(grizli)

In [2]:
# # Fetch sample data
# os.system('wget')
# os.system('tar xzvf grizli_demo_data.tar.gz')

Initialize the GrismFLT object

The GrismFLT object takes as input grism FLT files and optionally direct image FLT files or reference images and segmentation maps. For this example, provide just a pair of grism (G141) and direct (F140W) FLT files (taken from a visit on the UDF field from 3D-HST).

Note that the two FITS files provided here have been astrometrically aligned and background subtracted externally to grizli in its current implementation. These are clearly critical and non-trivial steps of the data preparation process and this functionality will be incorporated into the full grizli release shortly.

In [3]:
flt = grizli.model.GrismFLT(grism_file='ibhj34h8q_flt.fits', direct_file='ibhj34h6q_flt.fits',
                            pad=200, ref_file=None, ref_ext=0, seg_file=None, shrink_segimage=False)

No TEAL-based tasks available for this package!

Catalog / segmentation image

Make a catalog/segmentation image from the direct FLT and make a full grism model for the first four grism orders for those detected objects. Uses photutils to generate the segmentation image/catalog.

In [4]:
flt.photutils_detection(detect_thresh=2, grow_seg=5, gauss_fwhm=2.,  
                        verbose=True, save_detection=False, data_ext='SCI')

ibhj34h6q_flt: photutils.detect_sources (detect_thresh=2.0, grow_seg=5, gauss_fwhm=2.0, ZP=26.5)
ibhj34h6q_flt: photutils.source_properties
Rename column: xcentroid -> x_flt
Rename column: ycentroid -> y_flt
Rename column: ra_icrs_centroid -> ra
Rename column: dec_icrs_centroid -> dec
ibhj34h6q_flt: photutils.source_properties - 175 objects

In [5]:
print('Number of objects in `photutils` catalog: %d' %(len(flt.catalog)))
plt.imshow(flt.seg, cmap='gray_r', origin='lower')

Number of objects in `photutils` catalog: 175
(200, 1214)

In [6]:
# Find the object near detector (x,y) = (712, 52) 
xi, yi = 712+flt.pad, 52+flt.pad # nice line

#xi, yi = 779, 722 # bright red
#xi, yi = 695, 949 # big extended H-alpha
#xi, yi = 586, 337 # fainter line, [OIII]?
#xi, yi = 421, 470 # fainter line
#xi, yi = 858, 408 # bright [OIII]
#xi, yi = 940, 478 # fainter line

dr = np.sqrt((flt.catalog['x_flt']-xi)**2+(flt.catalog['y_flt']-yi)**2)
ix = np.argmin(dr)
id = flt.catalog['id'][ix]
mag = flt.catalog['mag'][ix]
x0 = flt.catalog['x_flt'][ix]+1
y0 = flt.catalog['y_flt'][ix]+1
print('   id=%d, (x,y)=(%.1f, %.1f), mag=%.2f' %(id, x0, y0, mag))

## Get properties of the object from the segmentation region alone
## regardless of whether you have the detection catalog
out = grizli.utils_c.disperse.compute_segmentation_limits(flt.seg, id,
ymin, ymax, yseg, xmin, xmax, xseg, area, segm_flux = out
print('Segment: (x,y)=(%.1f, %.1f) # zero index' %(xseg, yseg))

   id=6, (x,y)=(913.0, 252.2), mag=22.55
Segment: (x,y)=(912.0, 251.2) # zero index

Basic trace parameters

Get basic trace parameters, conf is a grizli.grism.aXeConf object, here for G141 & F140W.

dx is simply the x pixel offset from the center of the direct image. Here it is integers, but it can be anything.

In [7]:
# x pixels from the center of the direct image
dx = np.arange(220)
# ytrace and wavelength at x=dx
dy, lam = flt.conf.get_beam_trace(x=x0-flt.pad, y=y0-flt.pad, dx=dx, beam='A')
# it's fast
%timeit dy, lam = flt.conf.get_beam_trace(x=x0-flt.pad, y=y0-flt.pad, dx=dx, beam='A')

1000 loops, best of 3: 194 µs per loop

In [8]:
### Make a figure showing the trace in the FLT frame
fig = plt.figure(figsize=[8,2])

ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.imshow(['SCI'], cmap='gray_r', vmin=-0.05, vmax=0.2, 
          interpolation='Nearest', aspect='auto')
ax.set_xlim(x0-10, x0+230); ax.set_ylim(y0-10, y0+10)

# plot the trace
ax.plot(x0+dx-1, y0+dy-1, color='red', linewidth=3, alpha=0.7)
## 0.1 micron tick marks along the trace as in the next figure
xint = np.interp(np.arange(1,1.81,0.1), lam/1.e4, dx)
yint = np.interp(np.arange(1,1.81,0.1), lam/1.e4, dy)
ax.scatter(x0+xint-1, y0+yint-1, marker='o', color='red', alpha=0.8)
ax.set_xlabel(r'$x$ (FLT)'); ax.set_ylabel(r'$y$ (FLT)')


/Users/brammer/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: findfont: Font family ['Courier'] not found. Falling back to Bitstream Vera Sans
  (prop.get_family(), self.defaultFamily[fontext]))

Creating model spectra for contamination and fitting

This is really the fundamental kernel that allows the user to generate model grism spectra based on the morphology in the direct image. Below we demonstrate the technique for computing a single spectral model, which is placed directly into the FLT frame, and then show how to quickly generate a model of the full "scene" of the exposure.

Note that by default the model generation kernel arbitrarily assumes flat source spectra in units of $f_\lambda$, with a normalization given by the total flux density in the direct image integrated within the segmentation region.

The basic function here is compute_model_orders, which calculates the object extent based on the segmentation region and determines which orders to include based on the object brightness and the MMAG_EXTRACT_BEAMx parameters in the grism configuration file.

In [9]:
### Make sure these are initialized
flt.object_dispersers = collections.OrderedDict()
flt.model *= 0

### Compute model of a single object and catch the output, mag=-1 will force compute all orders
single_model = flt.compute_model_orders(id=id, compute_size=True, mag=-1, in_place=False)

### The other option is to store the model "in place" in the `flt.model` attribute.
status = flt.compute_model_orders(id=id, compute_size=True, mag=-1, in_place=True)
print('These should be the same: %.3f %.3f' %(single_model[1].sum(), flt.model.sum()))

## Show it
plt.imshow(single_model[1]*10, interpolation='Nearest', vmin=-0.02, vmax=0.2, 
           cmap='gray_r', origin='lower')

plt.scatter(xseg, yseg, marker='o', color='r') # position in direct image


These should be the same: 53.156 53.156
(200, 1214)

In [10]:
### Now compute the full FLT model
import collections
import time

## Only fit objects brighter than 26th mag (AB)
keep = flt.catalog['mag'] < 26

## Reset
flt.object_dispersers = collections.OrderedDict()
flt.model *= 0

## Helper function that loops over `self.compute_model_orders` for many objects
## Result is stored in the `self.model` attribute.
t0 = time.time()

t1 = time.time()
print('Compute full model (%d objects): %.2f sec' %(keep.sum(), (t1-t0)*1))

Compute full model (175 objects): 1.16 sec

When compute_model_orders is run for a given object with store=True (default), the code caches helper objects for each beam (i.e., spectral order) of that object in the dictionary attribute object_dispersers. Running compute_model_orders again will be faster by a significant factor as these don't have to be recalculated (though they do take up memory).

In [11]:
t0 = time.time()

t1 = time.time()
print('Compute full model *again* (%d objects): %.2f sec' %(keep.sum(), (t1-t0)*1))

Compute full model *again* (175 objects): 0.14 sec

In [12]:
# Full model
plt.imshow(flt.model, interpolation='Nearest', vmin=-0.02, vmax=0.2, 
           cmap='gray_r', origin='lower')

(200, 1214)

In [13]:
# residual
plt.imshow(['SCI'] - flt.model, interpolation='Nearest', vmin=-0.02, vmax=0.2, 
           cmap='gray_r', origin='lower')
# Note, some spectra on the left side of the image aren't modeled because they fall off of 
# the direct image.  This can be accounted for when using reference mosaics that cover areas 
# larger than the FLT frames themselves.

# Also, this is just a crude model with simple (wrong) assumptions about the shapes of the object spectra!

(200, 1214)

Spectral orders

The dispersion objects for each beam of each id are stored in the flt.object_dispersers attribute. We can show the observed and model spectra for each order with the following.

In [14]:
### Re-run again to make sure beams are stored, in case didn't run the full loop as above
if id not in flt.object_dispersers:
    flt.compute_model_orders(id=id, compute_size=True, mag=-1, store=True)

### Get the beams/orders
beams = flt.object_dispersers[id]
print('Spectral orders: ', beams)

### Make a figure showing the model (top) and observed (bottom) spectra
### for the first and zeroth orders.
fig = plt.figure(figsize=[10,3])
gs = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2,

for i, b in enumerate(['B','A']):
    beam = beams[b]
    model = beam.compute_model(id=id, spectrum_1d=beam.spectrum_1d, in_place=False)
    vmax = model.max()
    #ax = fig.add_subplot(221+i)
    ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0,i])
    ax.imshow(model.reshape(beam.sh_beam), interpolation='Nearest', origin='lower', cmap='viridis_r', 
              vmin=-0.1*vmax, vmax=vmax)
    ax.set_title('Beam %s' %(b))
    ### Cutout of observed data
    sci_cutout = beam.cutout_from_full_image(['SCI'])
    ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[1,i]) #fig.add_subplot(223+i)
    ax.imshow(sci_cutout, interpolation='Nearest', origin='lower', cmap='viridis_r', 
              vmin=-0.1*vmax, vmax=vmax)


Spectral orders:  OrderedDict([('A', <grizli.model.GrismDisperser object at 0x11edfc4e0>), ('B', <grizli.model.GrismDisperser object at 0x11edfcef0>)])
(52, 82)
(52, 233)

The BeamCutout object

To interact more closely with an individual object, its information can be extracted from the full exposure with the BeamCutout class. This object will contain the high-level GrismDisperser object useful for generating the model spectra and it will also have tools for analyzing and fitting the observed spectra.

It also makes detailed cutouts of the parent direct and grism images preserving the native WCS information.

In [15]:
print('Available computed beams/orders for id=%d: %s\n' %(id, flt.object_dispersers[id].keys()))
beam = flt.object_dispersers[id]['A'] # can choose other orders if available
print('`beam` class: %s\n' %(beam.__class__))

### BeamCutout object
co = grizli.model.BeamCutout(flt, beam, conf=flt.conf)
print('`co` class: %s\n' %(co.__class__))

print('Object %d, ' %( +
      'total flux density within the segmentation region: %.3e erg/s/cm2/A'%(co.beam.total_flux))
### Show the direct image
plt.imshow(*(co.beam.seg == id), interpolation='Nearest', cmap='gray_r', origin='lower')

Available computed beams/orders for id=6: odict_keys(['A', 'B'])

`beam` class: <class 'grizli.model.GrismDisperser'>

`co` class: <class 'grizli.model.BeamCutout'>

Object 6, total flux density within the segmentation region: 6.158e-19 erg/s/cm2/A
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x12e86d668>

In [16]:
### Can write the BeamCutout object to a normal FITS file
co.write_fits(root='galaxy', clobber=True)

## The direct image extensions have EXTNAME=1 (e.g., ('SCI',1)) and
## the grism extensions have EXTNAME=2
im ='galaxy_%05d.g141.A.fits' %(id))

## Can initialize a BeamCutout object from the FITS file 
## independent of the `flt` and `beam` objects as above.
co2 = grizli.model.BeamCutout(fits_file='galaxy_%05d.g141.A.fits' %(id))

# test
print('Flux is the same?: %.2e %.2e' %(co.beam.total_flux, co2.beam.total_flux))

('SIMPLE', True, 'conforms to FITS standard')
('BITPIX', 8, 'array data type')
('NAXIS', 0, 'number of array dimensions')
('EXTEND', True, '')
('ID', 6, 'Object ID')
('PAD', 200, 'Padding of input image')
('BEAM', 'A', 'Grism order ("beam")')
('XCENTER', -0.04556220298456992, 'Offset of centroid wrt thumb center')
('YCENTER', -0.1765520166147212, 'Offset of centroid wrt thumb center')
('GPARENT', 'ibhj34h8q_flt.fits', 'Parent grism file')
('DPARENT', 'ibhj34h6q_flt.fits', 'Parent direct file')
Filename: galaxy_00006.g141.A.fits
No.    Name         Type      Cards   Dimensions   Format
0    PRIMARY     PrimaryHDU      11   ()              
1    SCI         ImageHDU       201   (52, 52)     float32   
2    ERR         ImageHDU       201   (52, 52)     float32   
3    DQ          ImageHDU       201   (52, 52)     int16   
4    SEG         ImageHDU       201   (52, 52)     int32   
5    SCI         ImageHDU       178   (233, 52)    float32   
6    ERR         ImageHDU       178   (233, 52)    float32   
7    DQ          ImageHDU       178   (233, 52)    int16   
8    CONTAM      ImageHDU       178   (233, 52)    float32   
9    MODEL       ImageHDU       178   (233, 52)    float64   
Flux is the same?: 6.16e-19 6.16e-19

In [17]:
# Show the spectrum cutout
plt.imshow(['SCI'], interpolation='Nearest', vmin=-0.02, vmax=0.2, 
           cmap='gray_r', origin='lower')

<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x11ee6c630>

In [18]:
# Show the contamination model, which was cutout of `flt.model`
plt.imshow(co.contam, interpolation='Nearest', vmin=-0.02, vmax=0.2, 
           cmap='gray_r', origin='lower')

<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x1162afe80>


This is the high-level function for computing the 2D spectral model. By default (with no user input) it assumes a flat $f_\lambda$ spectrum normalized to the total flux within the segmentation region.

To compute a different arbitrary spectrum, provide a parameter spectrum_1d = [wave, flux].

In [19]:
##### quick demo of a cartoon "break" spectrum showing how compute_model works
xspec = np.arange(1.e4, 2.e4,10.)
yspec = (xspec > 1.3e4)*1. # zero at xspec < 1.3e4
dummy_spectrum = co.beam.compute_model(spectrum_1d=[xspec, yspec], in_place=False)

## Plot it
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.imshow(dummy_spectrum.reshape(co.beam.sh_beam), interpolation='Nearest', vmin=-0.02, vmax=0.2, 
           cmap='gray_r', origin='lower')

## Helper functions for 2D plot axes
co.beam.twod_axis_labels(limits=[1.0, 1.81, 0.1], wscale=1.e4, mpl_axis=ax)
co.beam.twod_xlim(1.05, 1.75, wscale=1.e4, mpl_axis=ax)
ax.set_xlabel(r'$\lambda$ / $\mu$m')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x11ebe3588>
/Users/brammer/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: findfont: Font family ['Courier'] not found. Falling back to Bitstream Vera Sans
  (prop.get_family(), self.defaultFamily[fontext]))

In [20]:
# beam.compute_model is quite fast, if still rate-limiting for, e.g., 
# MCMC simulations with thousands of calls, though generating the 
# model spectra and evaluating the likelihood is probably slower.
%timeit co.beam.compute_model(in_place=True)

# Can be a bit slower for high resolution template specra since have 
# to do some interpolation along the way
xspec = np.arange(1.e4, 2.e4,10.)
yspec = (xspec > 1.4e4)*1. # zero at xspec < 1.4e4
%timeit beam.compute_model(in_place=True, spectrum_1d=[xspec, yspec])

xspec = np.arange(1.e4, 2.e4,0.1) # high-res spectrum, slower
yspec = (xspec > 1.4e4)*1. # zero at xspec < 1.4e4
%timeit beam.compute_model(in_place=True, spectrum_1d=[xspec, yspec])

10000 loops, best of 3: 123 µs per loop
10000 loops, best of 3: 156 µs per loop
1000 loops, best of 3: 337 µs per loop

1D "optimal" extractions

The BeamCutout class includes a method for computing a 1D optimal extraction of the object spectrum following Horne (1986), where "optimal" refers to the weighting that minimizes the variance in the resulting spectrum by scaling by the object profile along the spatial axis. Of course collapsing to 1D always throws away the spatial information that is needed to interpret the morphology of the spectrum, and this information is often scientifically useful, for example in the case of extracting spatially-resolved 2D emission line maps. Nevertheless, the 1D extractions are often useful for plotting, provided that the modeling is done on the full 2D spectrum and the model 1D spectrum is simply extracted in the same way as the data for plotting.

In [21]:
# flat continuum, by default `in_place=False` returns a flat array that needs to be reshaped
cmodel = co.beam.compute_model(in_place=False).reshape(co.beam.sh_beam)

# 1D optimal extraction (Horne 1986)
xspec, yspec, yerr = co.beam.optimal_extract(['SCI'], bin=0, ivar=co.ivar) #data
xspecm, yspecm, yerrm = co.beam.optimal_extract(cmodel, bin=0, ivar=co.ivar) # continuum model
xspecc, yspecc, yerrc = co.beam.optimal_extract(co.contam, bin=0, ivar=co.ivar) # contamination model

eb = plt.errorbar(xspec/1.e4, yspec, yerr, linestyle='None', marker='o', markersize=3, color='black', 
             alpha=0.5, label='Data (id=%d)' %(

pl = plt.plot(xspecm/1.e4, yspecm, color='red', linewidth=2, alpha=0.8, 
         label=r'Flat $f_\lambda$ (%s)' %(

pl = plt.plot(xspecc/1.e4, yspecc, color='0.8', linewidth=2, alpha=0.8, 

plt.legend(loc='upper right', fontsize=10)

/Users/brammer/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/grizli/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide
  self.optimal_profile = m/m.sum(axis=0)
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x1153890f0>
/Users/brammer/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: findfont: Font family ['Courier'] not found. Falling back to Bitstream Vera Sans
  (prop.get_family(), self.defaultFamily[fontext]))

Fitting demo: continuum slope and a single emission line

The BeamCutout.simple_line_fit method demonstrates a fitting routine that fits for emission line strengths and the continuum shape, where the line centers are fit along a grid spanning the wavelength range of the G141 grism.

The function first computes the simple flat continuum 2D model spectrum, $C_{i,j}$, as shown earlier. Then at each line wavelength, $\lambda$, it computes an emission line only model spectrum where the line flux is normalized to unity, $L_{i,j}$. Scale factors ($\alpha_C$, $\alpha_L$) are then computed with standard least squares techniques (sklearn.linear_model) to fit the sum of these models to the observed 2D spectrum $S_{i,j}$, which has known (2D) variance, $\sigma^2_{i,j}$ taken directly from the ERR extensions of the FLT images.

We include an additional term for modifying the slope of the continuum model, $\alpha_m$, so the final coefficient equation is

$\alpha_C C_{i,j} + \alpha_m \hat\lambda_j C_{i,j} + \alpha_L L_{i,j} = S_{i,j}$,

where $\hat\lambda_j$ is the wavelength of pixel column $j$, suitably normalized so that $\alpha_m$ is of order unity.

For BeamCutout.simple_line_fit, the fwhm parameter specifies the width of the test emission line and grid is a list of parameters [wave_min, wave_max, dwave, skip]. To get smooth $\chi^2$ functions, choose fwhm of order or larger than the grism pixel size (e.g., 46 Å for WFC3/G141).

In [22]:
#### Demo fitting function.  
## Note that inverse variances are precomputed and stored in BeamCutout.ivar for chisq calculations
t0 = time.time()
out = co.simple_line_fit(fwhm=48, grid=[1.12e4, 1.65e4, 1, 10], poly_order=3)
line_centers, coeffs, chi2, ok_data, best_model, best_model_cont, best_line_center, best_line_flux = out
t1 = time.time()
print('Number of calls: %d, time=%.3f sec' %(len(line_centers), t1-t0))

print('min(chi_nu) = %.2f, nu~%d' %(chi2.min()/ok_data.sum(), ok_data.sum())) # non-masked pixels
# found a line!
print('z_Halpha ~ %.3f (external z_spec = %.3f)' %(line_centers[np.argmin(chi2)]/6563.-1, 0.895))

# plot chisq as a function of line wavelength
plt.plot(line_centers, chi2); plt.xlabel('line wavelength'); plt.ylabel(r'$\chi^2$')
for dchi2 in [1,4,9]: plt.plot(line_centers, chi2*0+chi2.min()+dchi2, color='%s'%(dchi2/12.))

Number of calls: 530, time=0.813 sec
min(chi_nu) = 1.16, nu~1183
z_Halpha ~ 0.893 (external z_spec = 0.895)
/Users/brammer/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: findfont: Font family ['Courier'] not found. Falling back to Bitstream Vera Sans
  (prop.get_family(), self.defaultFamily[fontext]))

In [23]:
#### show best-fit models in 1D 
print(best_model.shape, best_model_cont.shape)

xspec_line, yspec_line, yerr_line = co.beam.optimal_extract(best_model, bin=0, ivar=co.ivar) # line model
xspec_cont, yspec_cont, yerr_cont = co.beam.optimal_extract(best_model_cont, bin=0, ivar=co.ivar) # continuum model

plt.errorbar(xspec/1.e4, yspec, yerr, linestyle='None', marker='o', markersize=3, color='black', 
             alpha=0.5, label='Data (id=%d)' %(

plt.plot(xspecm/1.e4, yspecm, color='red', linewidth=2, alpha=0.8, 
         label=r'Flat $f_\lambda$ (%s)' %(

plt.plot(xspecc/1.e4, yspecc, color='0.8', linewidth=2, alpha=0.8, 

plt.plot(xspec_cont/1.e4, yspec_cont, color='orange', linewidth=2, alpha=0.8, 
         label=r'Tilted continuum + Line')
plt.fill_between(xspec_cont/1.e4, yspec_line, yspec_cont, color='orange', alpha=0.3)

plt.legend(loc='upper right', fontsize=10)

(52, 233) (52, 233)
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x11623c048>
/Users/brammer/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: findfont: Font family ['Courier'] not found. Falling back to Bitstream Vera Sans
  (prop.get_family(), self.defaultFamily[fontext]))

In [24]:
### Function for making a nice figure of the fit
fig = co.show_simple_fit_results(out)
fig.savefig('test.pdf', dpi=300)

/Users/brammer/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: This figure includes Axes that are not compatible with tight_layout, so its results might be incorrect.
  warnings.warn("This figure includes Axes that are not "
/Users/brammer/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: findfont: Font family ['Courier'] not found. Falling back to Bitstream Vera Sans
  (prop.get_family(), self.defaultFamily[fontext]))